





Duvernay Complex
Location: 10 kilometres West of Fox Creek, Alberta (14-28-62-20 W5)
Licensed Capacity: 300 MMcf/d + 50,000 bbl/d (C5+)
Duvernay Gas Plant
Sour gas processing facility
Location: 10 kilometers West of Fox Creek, Alberta
LSD: 14-28-62-20 W5
Licensed Capacity: 330 MMcf/d

Sweet and sour gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 80 kilometers Northwest of Grande Prairie, Alberta
LSD: 11-18-74-12W6
Licensed Capacity: 356 MMcf/d sweet, 363 MMcf/d sour
Kakwa River
Sweet and sour gas processing facility with deep cut NGL recovery
Location: 90 kilometers South of Grande Prairie, Alberta
LSD: 8-13-63-05W6
Licensed Capacity: 250 MMcf/d
Kaybob South 3 (K3) Processing Plant
Sour gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 40 kilometers South of Fox Creek, Alberta
LSD: 3-15-59-18W5
Licensed Capacity: 671 MMcf/d

Kaybob South Amalgamated (KA)
Sour gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 10 kilometers Southwest of Fox Creek, Alberta
LSD: 1-12-62-20W5
Licensed Capacity: 395 MMcf/d

Musreau I
Sweet gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 100 kilometers South of Grande Prairie, Alberta
LSD: 4-25-62-6W6
Licensed Capacity: 255 MMcf/d

Musreau II/III
Sweet gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 110 kilometers South of Grande Prairie, Alberta
LSD: 9-26-62-6 W6
Licensed Capacity: 200 MMcf/d
Musreau DC
Residue gas deep cut facility
Location: 100 kilometers South of Grande Prairie, Alberta
LSD: 4-25-62-6W6
Licensed Capacity: 205 MMcf/d
North Central Liquids Hub (NCLH)
Liquids handling and storage, connection to Pembina's LVP system
Location: 30 kilometers Northwest of Dawson Creek, British Columbia
LSD: 5-27-79-17W6

Patterson Creek
Sweet gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 70 kilometers Southeast of Grande Prairie, Alberta
LSD: 11-21-66-3W6
Licensed Capacity: 395 MMcf/d

Sweet gas processing facility with deep cut NGL recovery
Location: 130 kilometers South of Grande Prairie, Alberta
LSD: 8-11-60-3W6
Licensed Capacity: 300 MMcf/d
Saturn I/II
Sweet gas processing facility with deep cut NGL recovery
Location: 70 kilometers Northeast of Hinton
LSD: 12-36-57-23W5
Licensed Capacity: 440 MMcf/d

Saturn Gas Plant
Sweet gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 35 kilometers Northwest of Dawson Creek, British Columbia
LSD: 15-27-79-17W6
Licensed Capacity: 518 MMcf/d

South Central Liquids Hub (SCLH)
Liquids handling and storage, connection to Pembina's LVP system
Location: 20 kilometers South of Dawson Creek, British Columbia
LSD: C-041-G/93-P-9

Sour gas processing facility
Location: 40 kilometers South of Dawson Creek, British Columbia
LSD: C-064-A/093-P-08
Licensed Capacity: 215 MMcf/d

Sunrise Gas Plant
Sweet gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 20 kilometers West of Dawson Creek, British Columbia
LSD: 4-26-78-17W6
Licensed Capacity: 400 MMcf/d

Tower Gas Plant
Sweet gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 40 kilometers Northwest of Dawson Creek, British Columbia
LSD: 3-7-81-17W6
Licensed Capacity: 264 MMcf/d

Tower Storage and Truck Terminal
NGL storage and truck loading facility
Location: 40 kilometers Northwest of Dawson Creek, British Columbia
LSD: 4-7-81-17W6

Sour gas processing facility with shallow cut NGL recovery
Location: 50 kilometers Southwest of Grande Prairie, Alberta
LSD: 7-35-67-7W6
Licensed Capacity: 200 MMcf/d

WASX (Waskahigan/Saxon)
Liquids stabilization
Location: 35 kilometers West of Fox Creek, Alberta
LSD: 10-29-62-23 W5
West Fox Creek Plant
Location: 30 kilometres South of Fox Creek, Alberta (13-22-60-19 W5)
Licensed Capacity: 16 MMcf/d





Pipelines Regulated by the Canada Energy Regulator

PGI owns four CER regulated pipelines called the Tupper Pipelines. The Tupper Pipelines are: Tupper-Hythe Pipeline, Mid-Tupper Pipeline, Tupper South Gas Pipeline and Tupper South Pipeline Loop.

A Letter of Credit is on file with the CER to ensure PGI has the funds to safely abandon the Tupper Pipelines should they no longer be needed in the future. PGI files Annual Reporting Forms with the CER, which can be found at the links below.

For more information about this initiative, please contact [email protected].

Canada Energy Regulator Annual Reporting Forms

Information for Canadian Landowners

In 2008, the National Energy Board (NEB) initiated Land Matters Consultation. A part of this initiative was pipeline abandonment. The Canada Energy Regulator has replaced the NEB and has directed the companies it regulates to have a set aside mechanism. Further Information on the Land Matters Consultation Initiative is available to the public by visiting the CER’s website at www.cer-rec.gc.ca.