Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

At Pembina, safety is top of mind in everything we do.

While our commitment and focus is on working safely, we have developed a comprehensive Emergency & Continuity Management Program (ECMP) to plan for and respond to an emergency, in the rare event that one occurs at our facilities or along our pipelines.

Within our ECMP, we have standards, processes and tools, to aid our employees in keeping our communities and the environment safe. 

Emergency & Continuity Management Factsheet

Pembina is prepared to safely and effectively respond to emergency situations, related to or impacting our operations. 

Learn more about our Emergency & Continuity Management Program by reading our Factsheet

You can help


Reporting a pipeline-related incident to Pembina's emergency phone number can help pinpoint its exact location, allowing for a faster response. 

Public Safety Information

In the event of an incident, we activate our Emergency Response Plan(s) and initiate the Incident Command System (ICS). Through this process, we contact the applicable regulator(s) and notify local authorities, including First Nations and Indigenous groups, First Responders, and other government agencies. Pembina initiates notifications to those people and places identified within an identified Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ). If additional public protection notifications are required beyond the EPZ, Pembina coordinates that contact with local authorities.

Pembina provides emergency preparedness information to the public and other stakeholders. Our Public Information Packages include Pembina’s emergency response line and contact information for the applicable regulator(s) and local authorities. The package also includes:

  • Information about Pembina’s business, operations, and assets
  • Potential hazards and consequences associated with local operations and products
  • Public protection actions to follow during an emergency, including sheltering-in-place and evacuation
  • Details for how to contact Pembina in an emergency and how we will respond
  • Details about how stakeholders could be notified of an emergency
  • A map showing information specific to the applicable assets and hazard areas

Emergency Response Plans

An emergency response, led by Pembina, is guided by geographic area and/or operating system-specific Emergency Response Plans (ERPs), which include:

  • Incident Command System roles and responsibilities
  • Contact information for key Pembina employees and support resources
  • Methods to notify affected stakeholders, local authorities, government agencies, and First Responders
  • Identification of emergency response materials and equipment locations
  • Implementation of public protection measures, such as environmental monitoring, isolation, sheltering, evacuation, installation of specialized equipment to isolate and minimize environmental impacts
  • Detailed mapping and/or diagrams
  • References to additional supporting documentation, relevant to the response

Pembina’s ERPs are reviewed, evaluated for effectiveness, and updated on a regular basis. Please note: only Canada Energy Regulator (CER) regulated plans, or those specifically requested by the provincial energy regulator are posted on our website. 

For additional information, contact Pembina’s Emergency & Continuity Management Program at [email protected].

Material Safety Data Sheets

Material safety data sheets provide workers and emergency personnel with information for safely handling or working with substances. This includes information such as physical data, toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling procedures.

View Pembina's safety data sheets.

Emergency & Continuity Management Program Summary

Our ECMP, established under Pembina’s Health, Safety and Environment Policy, aims to reduce conditions that could adversely affect the safety of the public, environment, or property during an emergency.

The following outlines how Pembina upholds our commitment to the safety and protection of the public, our workers, the environment, and property.

Our Executive Leadership Team have established policies that govern Pembina’s activities to meet our obligation to provide an effective emergency response in the event of an incident.
Pembina’s goals and objectives in emergency & continuity management are focused on Prevention, Planning, Response and Recovery.

Hazard areas define initial areas where Pembina focuses our response actions during an emergency. Pembina’s ECMP hazard identification and emergency preparedness planning considers potential hazards or identified risks that may be a result of operating activities or external events. As part of our ECMP, Pembina prepares and maintains detailed ERPs designed to support our response to hazards specific to our regional operations.


The ECMP hazard identification process involves assessing worst-case scenarios to determine an EPZ or hazard area. The hazard area is determined through regulatory/industry adopted references or mathematical modeling to identify potential consequences and hazard areas of impact for the purpose of emergency response planning.


Pembina is committed to responsible stewardship of the environment. In addition to spill response equipment locations that allow for an effective response, our equipment deployment strategies are also designed to consider how to best manage and expedite recovery of the spill and initiate remediation activities, following a release. Pembina’s response strategy to a liquid spill or a gas release would focus on mitigation actions to limit the size, duration, or extent of the hazard.


When remediation of an area is undertaken, Pembina works in conjunction with regulatory agencies to ensure that we meet regulatory requirements for soil, vegetation, water quality and wildlife. As part of this remediation process, reporting is made to regulatory agencies outlining progress and status, as required. 

As part of our ERP development and update activities, Pembina may contact residents and other stakeholders on an ongoing basis to:

  • Gather current information to contact them in the event of an emergency and
  • Share our Public Information Package, which provides emergency preparedness reference material for their local area.

Pembina contacts local authorities and government agencies on an ongoing basis to update contact information that may be required during an emergency. During this consultation, Pembina requests additional information regarding communication requirements, resources, and capacity to assist with a coordinated response. First Responders may be engaged directly or through the local authority or through Pembina's Community Awareness and Emergency Response (CAER) education program.


Pembina’s ERPs are based on ICS. This standardized approach is part of our preparation for a safe and effective response to emergency events and allows for Pembina to participate in Unified Command, fostering a coordinated response effort with outside agencies. 

Pembina undertakes continuing education for the public and First Responders, adjacent to our operations, as part of our commitment to responding safely and effectively to an emergency incident.

Pembina's CAER program focuses on engagement with First Responders to increase awareness and facilitate education for responding to emergency events associated with petroleum products.


In addition, First Responder continuing education is provided through opportunities to participate in Pembina’s emergency response exercises. Pembina also engages with the public and First Responders through open houses and other public forums, allowing us to gather information for consideration in our emergency response planning.

Pembina ensures that its staff are trained on their roles, responsibilities and procedures, as identified in our ECMP. Pembina emergency exercises are conducted to train appropriate personnel, First Responders, government agencies and local authorities, First Nations, and Indigenous groups are invited to observe or participate. Our training and exercise activities are tailored to the roles and responsibilities personnel could be expected to fill in an emergency and include:

  • ICS Canada certified training
  • Exercise scenarios based on our specific ERPs and identified hazards, allowing different aspects of the plans to be tested through the exercise program cycle. Pembina conducts a variety of exercises each year ranging from drills, tabletop, functional and full-scale sessions
  • Participation in Western Canadian Spill Services (WCSS) exercises, as part of our membership in this spill co-operative

In the event of an incident, Pembina activates our ERP based on a standardized ICS. The ICS is a management system designed for an effective and efficient way of responding to an incident. Key components of incident command include:


  • Consistent roles and responsibilities for responders inside and outside of Pembina
  • Common terminology and processes for effective communication
  • Defined Chain of Command for reporting
  • Unified Command allowing for common objectives and decision making between jurisdictional authorities
  • Organizational structure that is scalable to address the complexity of the response
  • Procedures to coordinate response activities with the applicable regulator(s), local authorities, First Nations and Indigenous groups, First Responders, other government agencies, and support services, as required
  • The establishment of Command Centres to support the coordination of response activities

Local response to an emergency is initiated by local Field Responders and may be supported by Pembina’s Regional Response Team(s) at the Incident Command Post. Pembina’s Incident Technical Response Team may provide technical, logistical, and public communications support or expertise. Additional support, when requested, can be provided through Pembina’s Emergency Coordination Centre and Pembina’s Crisis Management Team.